Lumecca Photofacial

Has years of sun worshipping taken its toll on your skin? We can help. The Lumecca photofacial is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) available for treating age spots, skin irregularities, and vascular lesions. Reduces red and brown discoloration of the skin from sun damage, hyperpigmentation, or rosacea. And, yes, you can do it anywhere on the body.

One of the best things about the Lumecca treatment is how quickly you begin to see results. You will likely notice improvements in sun damage and skin complexion within a few days of your first session. For age spots, freckles, spider veins and rosacea, the fast-acting Lumecca photofacial uses high peak power to treat damaged skin efficiently and with no pain.

Which parts of the body does the Lumecca treat?

The procedure is not limited to treating simply the face. The Lumecca can also reduce visible veins and pigmentation problems anywhere on the body. This technique can to treat skin imperfections including cherry angiomas, birthmarks or port wine stains to help create an even skin tone. Lumecca can help restore a smooth finish to skin of the face, neck, hands, legs and anywhere else on the body that could benefit from this treatment.

Click here to watch the Lumecca in action:

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