Female Incontinence

Up to 80% percent of women experience urinary incontinence. While the likelihood of experiencing urinary incontinence increases with age, the condition is not considered normal—it can interfere with work, socializing, exercise, and sexual wellness. As a woman and a physician, Dr. Maryann Prewitt knows that there is no reason to suffer in silence. At HealthWellnessMD in Dallas, Texas, we offer a broad range of solutions for female urinary incontinence.

Sexual Wellness as We Age

A message from Dr. Prewitt:

As we age, a whole host of sexual issues can stress and strain our relationships. This is true for both men and woman and can occur among even the strongest partners. Millions of people suffer from both a lack of confidence and a lack of awareness when it comes to sex-related concerns. I approach the treatment of sexual health the same way that I treat all of my patients’ concerns—from the approach of Functional Medicine. This means I first look for the root cause and I tailor a treatment to your individual needs.

Many factors contribute to your overall sexual health, from work-related stress to injury and illness, exercise or lack of exercise, and any number of emotional and physiological co-factors. So, first, together we will address any physiological or emotional impediments to intimacy and then go from there. Since women are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction earlier in life—frequently due to post-pregnancy body changes or gynecologic concerns such as endometriosis or fibroids—it is critical that you have this important conversation with your physician sooner rather than later. My older patients often cite urinary incontinence and vaginal dryness as principle deterrents to sexual wellness.

The FemiLift is for Every Woman

To maintain our physical and sexual wellness–which ultimately contributes to our mental health–we must employ novel methods, such as the FemiLift laser. Whether you’d like to make revisions for your health, appearance, or for sexual pleasure, we have the tools and the expertise to help you look and feel phenomenal. The FemiLift laser is a non-surgical solution for your most intimate issues.

The FemiLift is for every woman, regardless of age or orientation—every woman who suffers from incontinence, every woman who wants less discomfort and greater sensation, every woman of every age who wants to feel rejuvenated. Dr. Prewitt uses the minimally invasive FemiLift laser to treat urinary incontinence, stimulate collagen production and increased blood flow, and to improve the overall health of your pelvic floor. Dr. Prewitt has yet to encounter a single patient who is not thrilled with her results.

What is Female Urinary Incontinence?

More than 38 percent of women in the United States experience urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is any involuntary leakage of urine, whether it’s a large amount or just a few drops. The four most common types of urinary incontinence are stress incontinence, urge incontinence, mixed urinary incontinence, and overflow incontinence. Whichever type of incontinence you are suffering from, Dr. Prewitt can help.

Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence

  • Women with stress urinary incontinence experience leakage of a small to moderate amount of urine with activity such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, running, walking, bending over, lifting or just changing positions.
  • Women with urge urinary incontinence experience a moderate to large loss of urine immediately preceded by a sudden, strong urge to urinate. Sufferers are often not able to make it to the bathroom in time. Some women experience urge urinary incontinence when they hear running water or get close to a bathroom. Certain foods and beverages can make urge urinary incontinence worse.
  • Women with mixed urinary incontinence suffer from a combination of both stress and urge incontinence. So, their experience is unpredictable and frustrating.
  • Women with overflow incontinence experience a leakage due to a bladder that is always too full. This could be the result of injury or a prior surgery. Whatever, the cause, overflow incontinence is uncomfortable and certainly not optimal.

While the likelihood of experiencing urinary incontinence increases with age, the condition is not considered normal by any means and can interfere with work, socializing, exercise, and a healthy sexuality. As a woman and a physician, Dr. Prewitt does not believe that this condition is something you must simply endure.

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