Nutrition Counseling Specialist
Dr. Maryann Prewitt offers nutrition counseling and dietary supplement recommendations at her practice, HealthWellnessMD, located in Dallas, Texas. Through one-on-one support and guidance you can more easily meet your diet-related goals from improved blood pressure and cholesterol levels to boost overall wellness.
Nutrition Counseling Q & A
by Maryann Prewitt, MD, FACOG
What are nutraceuticals?
Nutraceuticals combine the words “nutrient” and “pharmaceutical” for good reason. The umbrella term is used to describe products derived from food sources that provide health benefits beyond basic nutritional value. HealthWellnessMD provides a variety of medical grade nutraceutical dietary supplements to promote overall wellness including:
- B-complex vitamins
- Dim (highly concentrated phytonutrients)
- Iodine
- LipCardia
- Multivitamins
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Probiotics
- Vitamin D
How much fat should I eat?
About 25-30% of your daily calories should consist of dietary fats, or fats found in food. Saturated fat, found in animal products such as beef, lamb, pork, butter, cream, and cheese, can healthfully account for up to 5-6% of your daily diet. Trans fats, also called hydrogenated vegetable oil, are prevalent in fried foods and commercially made items such as pizza dough, pie crust, and crackers. These are the unhealthiest of fats and should account for less than 1%. Most of your fats should be unsaturated “healthy fats” from oily fish such as salmon and trout, avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil.
How can I lower my cholesterol?
To lower your LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol eat a heart-healthy diet. In addition to staying within the above fat recommendations, emphasize nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole-grains, low-fat dairy products, nuts, and seeds. Limit fast foods and processed grains such as white flour. Staying physically active and not smoking can also help. If your daily health regimen doesn’t completely lower your LDL into the safe range, Dr. Prewitt may recommend medications that will bring it under control.
What are the benefits of nutrition counseling?
Nutrition counseling allows you to discuss your specific goals, preferences, current lifestyle habits, and health needs with Dr. Prewitt, so she can devise your ideal nutrition plan. This plan may include specific meal or menu recommendations as well as recommendations for nutraceutical supplements that may enhance your diet’s results. Counseling sessions are also helpful for tracking your progress and providing encouragement and support along the way.