Labiaplasty Specialist

If your labia, or vaginal lips, aren’t the shape or size you desire visit HealthWellnessMD to see if you’re a good candidate for labiaplasty. Dr. Prewitt is a highly-skilled gynecologic surgeon who performs laser labiaplasty in-office for women in the Dallas, Texas area.

Labiaplasty Q & A

by Maryann Prewitt, MD, FACOG

What is labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a laser or surgical procedure that changes the shape or size of the labia minora (inner vaginal lip) or the labia majora (outer vaginal lip). While there may be medical indications for the procedure, most women who elect to have the procedure do so for cosmetic reasons.

Who considers having this procedure?

Women who seek labiaplasty may have congenital elongated labia tissue or stretching and/or swelling of the labia due to pregnancy and childbirth that causes discomfort during activity or while wearing tight clothing. However, increasingly, women are opting for laser labiaplasty to correct what they perceive to be cosmetic imperfections. While there’s no “normal” labia shape or size, many women undergo labiaplasty with hopes of slimmer or more symmetrical vaginal lips.

How satisfied are women after the procedure?

Labiaplasty is among the fastest growing cosmetic procedures today. An analysis of research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2011 showed that 90 – 95% of women who have vulvovaginal surgeries, including elective and medically needed procedures, are satisfied with their results. Most women report that they feel more confident and enjoy sex more afterward–about 80-85% of women who’ve had the procedures report greater sexual satisfaction post-procedure.

Are there any risks?

It’s normal to experience temporary soreness, swelling and bruising after labiaplasty. Smoking can interfere with healing. Although uncommon you may also experience bleeding, infection, decreased sensitivity and scarring.

What is the normal width of a labia minora and the labia majora?

Labias vary widely in appearance, including shape and size. Thin, thick, long, and short labia are all considered normal. One study showed that labia minora average 20-100 mm in size, while labia majora tend to fall in the 7-12mm range. However, any woman who feels uncomfortable with the shape or size of her labia should know that laser labiaplasty is a safe and effective solution.

Are there any contraindications?

There are no absolute reasons you can’t have labia surgery. If you have an active gynecological disease such as cancer or infection, are unwilling to quit smoking or have unrealistic goals for the procedure Dr. Prewitt may advise against it. To reduce the risk of hormonal effects and infection the procedure shouldn’t take place during your period.

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